Welcome back to Brush Secondary Campus for the 2024-2025 school year. We are looking forward to another great year for all of our Beetdiggers. A few reminders and items as we start the year:
-Doors open at 7:30 am and the bell rings at 7:45 am.
-Please check your schedules on Alma prior to the start of school on 8/12. Schedules may have changed since Registration and Open House. Middle School change requests will be submitted on 8/13. High School students should request a schedule change through the published schedule change form.
-Please make sure your student has completed their registration prior to 8/12. Students who have not completed their registration will not be permitted to attend classes.
-Please drive safely when entering campus. Speed limits are 10 mph for all of campus. We have several drop off locations.
-Parents may enter the west Mill St. entrance (by the marquee sign) and drop students off in the front loop. Please pull forward to the car in front of you prior to stopping in the loop (even if this takes you past the front doors). Once you have dropped your student off in the loop, you may use the left lane to exit the traffic loop.
-Students can also be dropped behind the building on the southwest side and enter from the courtyard area. We recommend using the Hospital Road entrance if you are dropping off at this location.
-The final drop off zone is on the southeast side of the building in the BHS Student Parking Lot. You may enter the parking lot from the east Mill St. entrance (by Ace) or on Centre Ave. Please follow all painted lines and traffic flow when you are in the parking lot.
-We will have an Athletic Parent Meeting on 8/12 at 6 pm for all BHS and BMS Fall Sports.