Brush Secondary Campus will be hosting in-person registration on July 30th and 31st. Please reference this document for more information. Please enter the front office (north doors). Students will not be able to check out their Chromebooks until their registration is complete.

Brush High School students will be able to receive a copy of their schedules during in-person registration once they have completed the full registration process. No schedule changes will be made until school has started. Brush Middle School students will receive schedules at the Open House on August 8th.

BHS students will be admitted to games and activities in the 2024-2025 school year for free with a student ID. BMS students (and TPS and BVES) will receive a discounted rate with student ID ($2). Family activity passes and student passes will be available for purchase at registration.

Our online registration platform for athletic registration is currently down. We hope it will be functioning very soon. Please look for further updates.

As we move to our new website we will have updated schedules on the website. In the meantime, schedules can be accessed here.

If you have any questions regarding registration or the 2024-2025 school year, please call 970-842-5171.