Each location will have leaders to direct participants. The leaders will leave the starting locations at 7:15 a.m. Participants must be ready to ride, roll, or stroll by 7:15 a.m. for supervision.

Parents and Community Members are welcome to join us to help supervise intersections and pathways so our kids are safe while participating in this event. If you are interested in helping, please complete this survey. Below are the routes for the day. If you are a parent with a child who attends Thomson Primary School, we recommend that your child meets at the Old Middle School Site. If your child attends Beaver Valley, we recommend meeting at the baseball field on Emerson St. Questions? Contact Amy Windsheimer at a.windsheimer@brushschools.org or Lindsey Kimball at l.kimball@brushschools.org.

Overhead map of the bike routes for the eventOverhead view of the bike routes for the e vent